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for the 4th International Research Seminar on Salutogeneses

“Health for all – All for health”
A common frame of reference for the public heath effort in the Municipal of Ikast-Brande, Denmark

Peter Thybo
Health Innovator, Municipality of Ikast-Brande
Physiotherapist, Master in Learning Processes. Dipl. in General Pedagogy, Pt. Spc.
(specialist in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention).

Peter Thybo, Centerparken 1, DK 7330 Brande
Tel: (+45) 9960 3102, E-mail:

With the Danish municipal reform, effective January 1st 2007, the municipalities’ responsibilities in public health have increased significantly. The municipalities now hold a key position in Denmark’s public health effort.

The Municipality of Ikast-Brande regards it as crucial, that effective health efforts be planned in cooperation between different sections of the municipal administration. The cooperation between departments with different core tasks requires a common frame of reference regarding key health related concepts. The frame of reference should be sufficiently broad to reflect the tasks of a wide range of professionals. The citizens are widely involved in the public health effort to ensure ownership and local involvement, and they too need to find their daily life experiences and interests reflected in the frame of reference.

The Municipality of Ikast-Brande develops the public health effort under the slogan “Health for all – All for health”. We use salutogenesis as theoretical framework and as key component in creating a common municipal foundation for the health effort. We have developed useful models and illustrations in order to communicate and illustrate how public health and health policies are seen in the context of salutogenesis.

In Denmark the abbreviation KRAM (literally meaning a hug) is widely used to reflect traditional decease prevention measures focusing on diet, tobacco, alcohol and exercise (Kost, Rygning, Alkohol og Motion). We have developed this further to embrace a broader concept of health promotion focusing on competencies, robustness, appreciation and coping (Kompetencer, Robusthed, Accept og Mestring).

The process leading to the health policy of the Municipality of Ikast-Brande, and the models and illustrations we use in our work, are described in the newly published book: Kjeld Fredens, Tommy J. Johnsen og Peter Thybo (ed.): ”Sundhedsfremme i hverdagen. Få mennesker du møder til at vokse”. Munksgaard Danmark, 2011.